• Question: could stem cell reaserch help give humans super powers and what kind of super powers could we get?

    Asked by we0are0slytherin0 to Matt, Anzy, Aoife, Dave, Tomasz on 14 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: David Christensen

      David Christensen answered on 14 Nov 2013:

      Haha nice question!

      Because stem cells allow us to regrow, regenerate and heal better by replacing dead cells, I guess they could give us 1 superpower. We could be like wolverine from X-men and heal ourselves very quickly. I don’t think we will be able to do this for a long-time to come though.

      I can’t think that stem cells could help us with other superpowers. Maybe the others can think of something else?

    • Photo: Matthew Tomlinson

      Matthew Tomlinson answered on 15 Nov 2013:

      Just to follow on from what Dave said, some researchers in the US recently showed that if you reactivate a gene in mice called Lin28 then you get extra hair growth, better wound healing and I think this was mostly in the claws. Kind of like Wolverine! You might be able to make artificial ligaments that allow people to jump higher using stem cells or create eye cells that see in the infrared range so you can see through things, but I highly doubt it.

      I think if science was ever to create superheroes then they be more like Ironman and Batman and be based on technology rather than biology.
