• Question: What is your most boring disconvery

    Asked by tashfeen to Aoife, Dave, Matt, Tomasz on 20 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: David Christensen

      David Christensen answered on 20 Nov 2013:

      Hahaha! Nice question tashfeen!

      I don’t think any of my discoveries are boring! Maybe you think they are boring though.

      I discovered that embryonic stem cells grown with more oxygen available eat less glucose than embryonic stem cells grown with less oxygen. Do you think that is boring? I think it’s quite interesting and am now trying to ask the question Why does this happen?

    • Photo: Matthew Tomlinson

      Matthew Tomlinson answered on 20 Nov 2013:

      I think what’s boring depends on your perspective, I think that everything I’ve discovered is interesting because I’m interested in it, if I ever found it boring then it would be time to stop and find another job or area to research!
