• Question: who created science and what would it be like if we hadent

    Asked by chrisma9889 to Tomasz, Matt, Dave, Aoife on 20 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Matthew Tomlinson

      Matthew Tomlinson answered on 20 Nov 2013:

      Science wasn’t really created, humans are curious by nature and want to find things out about the world around them, this is how early humans discovered fire and invented weapons so they could get food. The birth of what we call science started in the 17th century with people like Issac Newton and Robert Boyle. These people showed that experiments were the way to kind out about the truth of the world around us.

      If there was no science we wouldn’t have the world we know now. People would die from simple infections, we would have to walk everywhere, and there would certainly be no TV or internet!

    • Photo: David Christensen

      David Christensen answered on 20 Nov 2013:

      I guess some people might also say that some of the ancient Greeks started to do science first. They would have called themselves Philosopher’s I guess, but they wanted to answer questions about the world just like modern scientists do and some of them did some complicated Maths that is still really important for scientists today!

      The world would be really rubbish without science. We use it every day without thinking about it, but science has given us computers, phones, electric light bulbs, vaccinations that stop us getting horrible diseases, cars, trains and planes for us to get around and a whole lot of other things that make our lives much easier and more fun than they were for people living only 100 or 200 years ago!
