• Question: Why do you use animals stem cells to experiment on when you could just use human stem cells instead?

    Asked by chloemckenzie98 to Anzy, Aoife, Dave, Matt, Tomasz on 12 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: David Christensen

      David Christensen answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      That’s a good question, thanks Chloe. I don’t use animal stem cells myself, but will try to answer your question.

      A lot of scientists use mouse stem cells because they can use mice in the lab for experiments. If the scientist is trying to find a stem cell-based cure for heart defects, using mouse embryonic stem cells to make a mouse heart that can be transplanted into a mouse is something that can be done legally with a special licence. Scientists aren’t allowed to do that sort of thing in humans until they know that the experiment will very likely work and usually a lot of testing with animals is required before any tests are done in people.

      Another way scientists use mice and mouse embryonic stem cells is by taking the stem cells and altering them very slightly in their DNA and then injecting these altered stem cells into an embryo. They can then place this embryo into the uterus of a mouse as a pregnancy and they can get new mice that have a specific genetic difference.

      For those of us who work with human embryonic stem cells, work on mouse embryonic stem cells is often useful because the cells are very similar, but they are not the same in every way, so we still need to do research on both.

    • Photo: Anzy Miller

      Anzy Miller answered on 14 Nov 2013:

      Hi Chloe,
      Great question! Whats the biggest thing here to point out though is it has taken scientists a LONG time to be able to grow human embryonic stem cells in the lab. For ages we had no idea what they needed to grow and stay as stem cells, and without the work on mouse embryonic stem cells we wouldnt have been able to do that. Plus, we also still see differences between mouse embryonic stem cells and human ones. We don’t know if this is still because we haven’t worked out completely what the human cells need, or just because of the differences between mouse and human. So still many questions to be answered!!

      But of course we want to be able to do a lot of research with human cells, so we know that anything we discover is relevant to humans!

